Fred Foundation
Vanaf 2023 heeft Human Rights Defense Curaçao (HRDC) een samenwerkingsovereenkomst met de Fred Foundation. Fred Foundation zet zich in voor een menswaardig bestaan voor iedereen. Omdat mensen op de vlucht vaak te maken hebben heeft met specifieke vraagstukken en...

Día Mundial de la Diversidad Cultural
Día Mundial de la Diversidad Cultural 21 de Mayo, 2024 “Las culturas deben aproximarse, no asemejarse”, decía el ex Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Esta es, en efecto, la ambición del Día Mundial de la Diversidad Cultural para el...

De Dag van de Aarde (Earth Day) wordt jaarlijks op 22 april gehouden. Het doel is mensen bewust te maken van de Aarde en het leven daarop. In een tijd waarin ecologische uitdagingen toenemen, is het belangrijk om de aandacht te vestigen op de sterke verbinding tussen...

Mensenrechten als democratisch project – Human Rights Defense Curaçao
Lezing door Ernst Hirsch Ballin voor Human Rights Defense Curaçao, ter gelegenheid van de International Day of Democracy op 15 september 2023

Gender and Human Rights in the Context of Immigration and Refugees
The issue of gender and human rights is of great importance, particularly in the context of immigration and refugees. Many migrants and refugees, particularly women and girls, face a range of challenges when it comes to accessing their basic human rights. These...

Successful Training Session Empowers Government Organizations with Human Rights Principles
Ministerie van Bestuur, Planning en Dienstverlening Date: March 17th Department: Vergunningenloket Contact person: Shumire Johannes- Ignancio In a successful endeavor, the Ministerie van Bestuur, Planning en Dienstverlening recently recieved a highly informative and...

Successful Training Session Empowers Government Organizations with Human Rights Principles
Introduction On March 10th, an informative and practical training session was conducted for the Ministerie van Bestuur, Planning en Dienstverlening, specifically targeted at the Department of Publieke Zaken. Led by Ruthline Haddocks, the training aimed to provide...
“Displacement and Disruption: How Climate Change is Shaping Migration Patterns in South America and Beyond”
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today, and its impacts are being felt in many different ways. One of the most significant impacts is on immigration and the movement of people, both within countries and across borders. In this article,...

Civil Society and NGOs: Driving Change in Curacao and the Caribbean
Civil society organizations (CSOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in promoting social change and driving progress in the Caribbean. These organizations work to address a range of social, economic, and environmental issues, including...

Protecting the Rights of Children in South America and the Caribbean
Children are the most vulnerable members of society and therefore require special attention and protection. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child outlines a set of basic rights that every child is entitled to, including the right to education,...

Commissie Meijers: permanente commissie van deskundigen in internationaal vreemdelingen-, vluchtelingenen strafrecht
CM2006 Notitie aangaande de asielprocedure op Curaçao 22 Juni 2020 1. Achtergrond In juni 2019 publiceerde het Ministerie van Justitie van Curaçao nieuwe beleidsregels voor de afdoening van asielaanvragen op basis van art. 3 EVRM.1 De regels vervingen het in juli 2017...